Photographs of Linda Lunus, 1980’s punk musician, made over a 30 year period (1983 – on going).
Staged portraits and documentary photographs recording Linda’s extraordinary outfits, wigs and poses, places she has lived and visits to hospital. When exhibited the series is accompanied by a series of texts charting email conversations and parts of Linda’s autobiography (which is currently in progress as is the whole project). The series explores the dynamics of the relationship between photographer and subject; the photographer (predominantly Fox) admires the subject (Lunus) in particular for the manner in which she deliberately refuses to conform to society’s idea of how, as a woman, she should dress and perform. The costumes Linda parades in are the outfits she wears every day.
Also in the series is a 12-minute video piece documenting the making of the project and the relationship between photographer and subject (Anna and Linda).